ホテル所在地 | 九龍旺角長沙街 11 號 MK 酒店 |
面積 | 約 26,160 平方尺 (G) |
提示価格 | 5.5 億香港ドル (i.e. HK$21,024.46/sq.ft.) |
販売条件 | 賃貸契約付き |
客室 | 108 客室 |
For further information, please contact Mr. Richy Wong (EAA Licence S-468749) ☎ (852) 3478 3869 or (852) 9839 3667
These particulars are subject to contract and availability. They do not form part of any contract. While care has been taken in their preparation, no representation is made and no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the whole or any part. Interested persons are advised to make their own enquiries and satisfy themselves in all respects. Interested parties should satisfy themselves by inspection and enquiry as to the accuracy of the particulars which are believed to be correct but as to which no warranty is given by the owner or the agents.
Click Property Agency Limited EAA (Co) Licence No C-040336
Unit B, 18/F., Lokville Commercial Building, 27 Lock Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon ☎ (852) 3702 5177 or Fax (852) 3709 6299